Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Just Do it" update

So if you've read the previous Blog you'll know this is a continuation of the painting I'm doing. My Mom suggested to give the face more Joy. So here is my attempt step by step to change the facial expression without completely changing who the face is.

below is the step by step changes.

More to come.

"Just Do it"

I've been busy, as we all are. I had a total creative itch and needed to squeeze in some time to do something creative. Then I didn't know what I wanted to do. With much deliberation, my choice was just to start something or I was never going to start. There are so many great ideas and I couldn't land on one. So the phrase "Just Do it" was so fitting. (My friend Tina called me a Creative Butterfly, she is SO RIGHT!)
I painted over a canvas first it looked like an ocean, cool blues & white & off white, (still unsure what I was doing) then I changed colors all together & went with warm tones & even let my son paint. I like the freedom that children have and I was trying to connect with that myself.  So I painted the base colors. Then started playing by wiping off paint & creating a face. I didn't have a plan still. It just became as I continued to play.
Here is what I have so far.

My Mom reminded me that the Joy of our Lord is our strength. So I'm going to change his eyes and give him Joy instead of worried.
Then I will do the rest. I'm thinking of adding fine/medium line inking around him, images like adding crown of thorns & crown of royalty,  the earth & tons of other images... stay tuned.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fun Art Technique

I am working on a painting right now that will be donated to to help raise money to put in wells in Sub-Saharan Africa. This painting I'm working on right now derives from an Art Technique I like to call Free Style Multi Medium Contrast.  I use this technique to free my mind and have the painting reveal it's destiny. Ya I guess u could call me a dreamer.  My steps are;
  1. wet a prepped canvas with water,(lay flat)
  2. wash the canvas with one or two acrylic colors
  3. love around canvas and allow the paints to interact & swirl etc.
  4. Then use a can of spray paint any color (water & spray paint don't mix = fun movement) 
  5. Move canvas around to allow paints & water to swirl around canvas.
  6. allow to dry flat (in warm sun works faster)
  7. When dry "look & find" your images then define, with any medium preferred
This technique creates art that allows the viewer to find images, figures, faces etc. Beauty is really in the eye of the beholder with this technique. btw- I taught my little boys to do this technique and DJ helped me on this one.
After the Free Style MMC, I then used, acrylic paints, water color pencils, and fine point sharpie pens to define my images. 
Still a work in progress, but take a look at a small portion of the painting.

I'm using this  piece for Water Thirst Today  because the theme is water and I thought fitting since the money raise is to give good clean water. Do you see fish swimming? I'm still pondering on the name of the piece. Feel free to give me some suggestions. When I get closer to being done I'll post the entire Painting image.

Monday, December 13, 2010

transcend on the Behance Network

transcend on the Behance Network

Finding my purpose

I haven't blogged in forever. I'm in the process of re-defining myself.  After working all my many years as a Hair Designer, I am now staying home with my boys and taking care of my family, along with doing all my creative things I do. I've recently stepped down from the 5 different areas of volunteer so that I can stay focused.
I know the first step in goal setting is to discover what you really want. AND write it down.
That's loaded I want so many things. focus focus

So I have so many ways I enjoy being be creative. I know that if I don't focus on just one thing at a time I am just spinning my wheels. I'm currently working on defining a painting so that others can see what i see. Sometimes I'm painting then all of a sudden I'm writing songs  in my head, then I'm drawn away to do a craft with my boys then help some families in need, then I need to work on a name for myself and where and how to network and how to put my art work up.  My husband is awesome to help keep me focused....( I'm venting)
I hope to stay on track. Decide my objective.  Then work on one thing till it's done, then only spend a small amount of time each day on networking/marketing. Most of my time still needs to go to my family. stay on target. I gotta keep reminding myself.   Next step soon to follow

Here is part of a painting I'm working on.  It's a work in progress fo sho.