Monday, December 13, 2010

Finding my purpose

I haven't blogged in forever. I'm in the process of re-defining myself.  After working all my many years as a Hair Designer, I am now staying home with my boys and taking care of my family, along with doing all my creative things I do. I've recently stepped down from the 5 different areas of volunteer so that I can stay focused.
I know the first step in goal setting is to discover what you really want. AND write it down.
That's loaded I want so many things. focus focus

So I have so many ways I enjoy being be creative. I know that if I don't focus on just one thing at a time I am just spinning my wheels. I'm currently working on defining a painting so that others can see what i see. Sometimes I'm painting then all of a sudden I'm writing songs  in my head, then I'm drawn away to do a craft with my boys then help some families in need, then I need to work on a name for myself and where and how to network and how to put my art work up.  My husband is awesome to help keep me focused....( I'm venting)
I hope to stay on track. Decide my objective.  Then work on one thing till it's done, then only spend a small amount of time each day on networking/marketing. Most of my time still needs to go to my family. stay on target. I gotta keep reminding myself.   Next step soon to follow

Here is part of a painting I'm working on.  It's a work in progress fo sho.

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