- wet a prepped canvas with water,(lay flat)
- wash the canvas with one or two acrylic colors
- love around canvas and allow the paints to interact & swirl etc.
- Then use a can of spray paint any color (water & spray paint don't mix = fun movement)
- Move canvas around to allow paints & water to swirl around canvas.
- allow to dry flat (in warm sun works faster)
- When dry "look & find" your images then define, with any medium preferred
After the Free Style MMC, I then used, acrylic paints, water color pencils, and fine point sharpie pens to define my images.
Still a work in progress, but take a look at a small portion of the painting.
I'm using this piece for Water Thirst Today because the theme is water and I thought fitting since the money raise is to give good clean water. Do you see fish swimming? I'm still pondering on the name of the piece. Feel free to give me some suggestions. When I get closer to being done I'll post the entire Painting image.